Cost family mediation - fees

We understand the pressures of divorce and make sure that you are in charge, with our experienced mediators to guide you.

cost family mediation

Family Mediation Fees From Aspire Mediation

We make divorce and separation more affordable

cost family mediation Effective February 2025

Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM)

from £120.00 per person

FM1/c100/Form A/MIAM sign off for court purposes

from £60.00 per person

Mediation meetings Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

from £180 per person per session ( 90 minutes)

Mediation meeting out of office hours Monday to Friday 5.30pm to 8.30pm & Weekends


Preparation of open statement of financial information

from £60.00 per hour per person

Preparation of parenting plan

from £60.00 per person

Preparation of memorandum of understanding –

from £60.00 per person


If you are unhappy in your marriage and considering divorce, the typically high cost of legal fees can seem like a significant obstacle. Instead of immediately seeking an expensive lawyer to handle your case, it’s worth exploring the option of family mediation services. Mediation offers a cost-effective and cooperative way to address disputes and reach agreements without the financial and emotional toll of court proceedings.

At Aspire Mediation our experienced team can handle a wide variety of  types of family disputes, from disagreements between co-parents and ex partners to potential arguments with wider family members over child access arrangements, even if you have an issue that does not involve divorce, our professional team of experts is  ready and willing helping you solve the problem together.

The first step is to arrange a MIAM session.

MIAM sessions are short meetings, arranged by speaking to our team,(mediation Information Assessment Meeting)that provides you with details about mediation and its’s goals to resolve disputes and helping you come to an agreement. Using a mediation expert is self referred and voluntary and so this means you don’t nee to waste time and money searching for solicitor or lawyer before disputes escalate and once mediation has taken place you are still able to proceed to court if still needed.

The court specify now that couples in dispute should attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) in most cases before court. Legal Aid is potentially able to  cover the family mediation cost if you qualify and our team are able to offer advice on how to apply.  The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme has been extended until March 2025 and this can also be an option should you meet the requirements.

The beauty of mediation is its flexibility. It is an open-ended process where you are in control of the number of meetings and the final outcome, you can even decide to end the process at any time if you do not wish to continue with mediation.

We understand the pressures of divorce and separation and the fallout that can happen around parenting and financial issues. Let our experienced mediators to guide you through your challenges to find solutions to family disputes. Speak to the Aspire Mediation team today, arrange a callback here


Both you and your partner will have enough time to mediate over the issues you are having having in order to find common ground. Mediation allows you to come up with the appropriate solutions to your disputes and disagreements.

At the end of the sessions, the mediator will provide documents to support the agreement made. The documents have options to choose legal advice before engaging in a binding contract. Mediation services cost is less as opposed to other lengthy procedures.

How can mediation help? Find Out about Our cost, family mediation experts. 

Aspire Family Mediation UK offers a voluntary process where you can work through your dispute and issues to move forward without any legal battle.. It works towards enabling you to make sound decisions and healthy communication. The process will cover everyone interests, including your children.


Your circumstances may be  straightforward. There may be no children in the relationship and you may have reached a decision on how you want to resolve financial cases. In this case your mediation session can be tailored to a very short series of meetings where you and your former partner, with the mediator, agree upon a a  mediation agreement. On the other hand, you may have a very complex situation and several sessions may be needed in order to agree on a resolution over financial information

You find after speaking to Aspire Family Mediation that financial support is available with Legal Aid or the Voucher Scheme for Mediation set up by the UK Government.

If there are children in the relationship they will often be the focus of the conversation. You may also find that your financial circumstances are complex and take time to resolve. Assets may be difficult to divide in this case. In this situation a more extensive mediation procedure may be required, with a series of meetings with your mediator.