when to choose mediation
Mediation helps you sort issues with your ex-partner and decide arrangements together.

Mediation helps you sort issues with your ex-partner and decide arrangements together.
When to choose mediation – when couples divorce or separate and circumstances change, mediation is a good start to get life moving forward and improve the family situation.
Families can end up on the verge of breakdown these days because of multiple reasons. Work stress and day to day life can take its toll and small differences of opinion can create big issues when couples separate so don’t allow things to escalate.
Mediation is a service that helps you sort issues with your ex-partner and decide arrangements together for family and finances moving forward. The legal alternative of court usually costs more, takes more time and is never helpful when the courts are making the decisions on family matters. The Family Mediation Voucher and Legal aid is available should you qualify and require financial support for the cost of mediation.
Mediation is not legally binding and offers many benefits as it helps you keep decision making in your own hands. You can start and complete mediation in a few days if everyone is willing, however the court avenue can take months. When dealing with children matters around access and financial support mediation is much more practical way to making arrangements.
Aspire family mediators understand that you are going through a very rough patch and that you need some help with sorting out family and financial matters. Our accredited professional team will be a able to hand and help work toward solutions for your problem in private. Confidentiality is key thing mediation and the process will not force their judgements or opinions on you. They will, till the last moment, try to reach a decision which is mutual for all parties where ever they can,
Family Mediation has a lot of advantages over court proceedings. These sessions are really cost effective and mediation starts from just £120.00 per person per hour (plus VAT) and our mediators are able to offer mediation at a time that works for everyone to make your life easier. Moreover mediation is more like an informal meeting than a custody session. It is a unique help that parties may choose for their emotional and marital crisis when looking to find solutions to disputes they want to resolve.
But there are times when mediation is not suggested. If the partner is being abusive to you for example then you would be exempt. Our mediation team however are able to explain more,
Aspire offer some alternative options including shuttle mediation is separate online rooms for your mediation so no contact is necessary with your ex-partner.
On some other grounds, it may be that court is the solution instead of mediation. If you do not know the whereabouts of your ex or if it involves money and your partner is bankrupt you may find that mediation is not suitable for you. Before you complete the court application form you will need an Aspire mediator to sign your MIAM certificate. Mediators do not give legal advice but we know family law and will be able to advise in cases of domestic violence or abuse if a MIAM exemption is possible.To learn more and find out how we can help, arrange a callback HERE with our expert mediation team.
Yes you will likely need to have a MIAM as a basic requirement before a court will consider your case.If your ex is unwilling to participate in mediation but is threatening court we are able to offer solutions. Speak to an Aspire mediator who can explain more.
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