Aspire Family Mediation is here to help you work through your disputes following divorce.


Bicester mediation – Divorce and Separation Experts

Divorce Mediation

There is no escaping the need to resolve issues concerning children, finances and property when you are a separating or divorcing..

Legal advisors or solicitors will often prioritise fighting for your rights to retain access and assets. This is obviously a choice that you need to make for yourself but we would like to suggest a more natural and logical way of reaching a settlement. The goal of mediation is to find a peaceful solution that you can both agree on facilitated by a trained negotiator who is known as a mediator and in the case of children work to create a parenting plan that everyone can agree with and everyone knows where they stand and what to expect moving forward.

Our Aspire Bicester Family mediators have experience in reaching agreements between couples on the major issues facing them after separation. Whatever the issue – whether it involves children, property, finances or grandparent’s rights – our mediators can help.

Mediation is sometimes a solution for couples in dispute and many couples decide mediation is able to solve their problems without undertaking further legal commitments. In the first instance, our mediator will meet with both partners separately to consider whether mediation is really the right route for the couple.

They will then arrange a series of meetings, again mutually agreed by the couple, to discuss common concerns and areas of dispute. Working with the couple, they will then seek a resolution of these issues. In most cases, a solution is arrived at that both parties agree on, and the mediator can then reach an agreement between the couple.

MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings) is normally required by courts before legal proceedings can begin in most cases. Whether divorce or child arrangements you need to prove that you have attempted or been assessed for In the absence of these meetings, you will need to get a MIAM certificate. We can provide you with advice on both of these requirements.

The benefits of mediation in Bicester include:-

As a separating couple, we understand that there will be many complex issues facing you around the discussions you will need to have. Children, property and  financial assets or debts need to be considered.

Children will often be the focus of the agreements. In particular who they will live with, when they will spend time with each parent and any child support payments that may need to be paid from one parent to another

Why not contact us today to talk about family mediation today and your options. Call Aspire Family Mediation Bicester on 01908 966 008 

I was saved from all the hassles of going to court, thanks to Aspire Family Mediation for making my separation as less painful as possible.
– Angela
Aspire Family Mediation has the best impartial mediators when it comes to divorce issues and I realized the same during my separation. I am thankful to the mediators for their guidance and support.
When I found about my wife’s affair, I immediately called Aspire Family Mediation for help and thanks to these people I got out of troubled marriage without any complications.
– Solal