Find out how Aspire Family Mediation can help

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Telephone: 01494 641004

online mediation across Chesham, Chalfonts, Gerrards Cross or High Wycombe

Why Aspire Family Mediation?


Children at the heart

We place children at the heart of the family mediation process. If you are going through a divorce you will want to make sure that your children’s needs come first.

We offer child inclusive mediation and so are able to explain to children what the mediation process involves, can bring them into the conversation to learn more about what they would like the outcome and plan to look and our experts can offer them additional sources of support, if this is required or helpful,

During mediation we also take the time to explain to children what is happening, encouraging them to talk to their parents about the decisions that their parents are making so that they feel that their voices have been heard..

Mediation is not counselling or therapy, but an opportunity for everyone to come together with a neutral mediator to work together in discussion to find solutions to disputes and disagreements that may be going on around divorce or access to the children.

In our experience, child inclusive mediation  means that children feel that have more control over the process when  their voices and opinions are taking into consideration., with Aspire mediation services, children can feel like they are part of the decisions that are being made.

The age of the child is an important factor to consider. Even very young children can sense when something is wrong, often internalising emotions they do not fully understand. This might lead to withdrawal or other changes in behaviour as a form of self-protection. It’s essential to adapt your approach based on the child’s maturity and ability to comprehend the situation.fa

Mediation Amersham Benefits

Family mediation can help with solutions when you are separating and divorcing and need to have a conversation with your ex partner but this cannot be done due to arguing or disagreement.

Aspire Family Mediation Amersham can facilitate that conversion and help you find solutions around children and finances to help you both move forward. With mediation you are in control of all decision making and the timing of decision etc all are yours.

Mediation is a cost effective way of sorting out issues and help you move forward and plan the future for you and your children.

Children should never be burdened with every detail of the separation. While honesty is important, oversharing can lead to unnecessary stress or confusion. Children are neutral parties in the process and should not be made to feel like they must choose sides. Sharing too much detail may cause them to develop preferences or biases toward one parent, which can strain relationships.

It is equally important to avoid discussing the intimate lives of either parent. Children should be kept out of adult conversations about blame, hurt feelings, or personal grievances. Sharing these details can create emotional turmoil for children and may lead them to mimic a parent’s emotions out of loyalty, often without fully understanding the situation.

Instead, focus on what directly affects the child. For example, if visitation rights have been established, explain what they can expect and work to maintain a consistent routine between both parents. Children thrive on stability, so clear and simple communication about what will happen in their daily lives is crucial.