Aspire Family Mediation

Aylesbury Family Mediation

Aylesbury Aspire Family Mediation


As part of a couple who have decided to separate or divorce, there are many new decisions that face you. The most monumental of these is whether you wish to pursue a legal route to resolve your differences.

Court is an expensive and painful route and you need to think about the financial consequences of this. Legal procedures can also cause a great deal of stress and anxiety.

You should really take a good look at mediation before you make a firm decision regarding litigation. The two are not easily separated. Before you even think about a legal route, you need to show that you have considered mediation in the majority of cases. Aspire family mediation Aylesbury has accredited trained mediators who are experts in negotiation and decision making.

Mediators  deal with all of the different situations that may arise with divorce or separation. This includes issues concerning child access and financial issues.

Mediation is a three step process. The first step is to meet with both parties to work out if mediation is the best solution for each party.

The second step is to undertake a series of mediation meetings to find out, and find a solution to, the issues of dispute between the partners. This may involve issues of property, finance or access to children.

The third step is to decide upon a solution which both parties agree on.

Sometimes couples become obsessed with legal action and do not consider mediation.

Why choose Aspire Family Mediation Service Aylesbury?

Mediation is now looked upon by courts as a necessary part of the process prior to taking legal proceedings.

A MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings) with Aspire Mediation Aylesbury is a vital part of this process. If mediation is not undertaken you must complete form FM1 when making an application to court.

We can advise, and help you, with both MIAMS and FM1 procedures.

Benefits of mediation:-

Mediation is also suitable for a variety of different circumstances. Children can be involved as part of mediation and benefit from engagement with this process. It is also possible to use mediation to address the concerns of grandparents. Mediation is also suitable for negotiations involving property and finance. Whatever your circumstances, mediation is the sensible solution.

Understanding the Process of Mediation Aylesbury

Mediation is an interactive, structured, collaborative process in which an impartial third person helps disputing parties resolve conflict through the application of negotiation and communication skills. All participants in mediation receive personalised feedback as a means to help them improve their communication and find solutions to family dispute,

A mediator’s role at mediation sessions is not limited to the negotiations themselves. A mediator can also be asked to perform other mediation-related tasks such as facilitating and presenting a case history and case summary. They can also work with other professionals involved in case preparation and case resolution to ensure that all parties’ best interests are served. 

The most important skill a mediator must have is communication. Because the mediation process involves communication between the parties, it is vital that all parties feel that they can communicate effectively with each other and the mediator will  keep both parties on topic and focused on the issues at hand.