Milton Keynes mediation - Aspire Mediation
Learn how Aspire Family Mediation can support you with child arrangements following separation.

Learn how Aspire Family Mediation can support you with child arrangements following separation.
When considering mediation as a dispute resolution alternative to family law court the concern is often that the situation of the divorced or separated couple is too complex to be addressed through the process. Issues around children and property can feel that they will be too problematic to solve through simple negotiation.
Aspire Mediation Milton Keynes keeps everyone involved in the process at every step. We discuss with parents whether it would be helpful for children to meet with Aspire mediator before the process begins and we offer a child inclusive mediation service, If this is the case, then we will arrange for a meeting where we can answer any concerns that the children have. This can help children come to terms with the decisions made by their parents.
Using solicitors for legal advice can be a time consuming process. Some separated couples find that using solicitors can make the process more adversarial and cause unintended stress and worry for all parties, including children.
As a first step in divorce, separation and family disputes, even if you are considering instructing solicitors, mediation is often a necessary first step and a court may well likely insist mediation is explored prior to taking things further via a legal route.
Aspire Family Mediators are accredited trained professionals who can negotiate with both parties, and also with children and other members of the family if required to reach an amicable solution between you and your partner on financial, child access or other matters.
Aspire Milton Keynes Mediation will involve an initial meeting (MIAM – Mediation Information Assessment Meeting) with each party to make sure that mediation is suitable, Then the mediator will arrange sessions to help you to discuss issues such as finance and child access.
Even if you are thinking of applying to court for divorce or separation issues that involve children or financial matters MIAMS (Mediation Information and Assessment meetings) are now a formal requirement.
If mediation is not suitable then we help you to complete the FM1 form which is required for an application to court. However, this is only valid in very specific circumstances and you should always contact us first to consider mediation as an option
Aspire Family Mediation Milton Keynes are accredited professionals who negotiate with both parties, and also children if required to reach an amicable solution between you and your partner on financial, child access or other matters.
A mediator is not the same as a solicitor, as their roles and functions differ significantly. A mediator is a neutral third party trained in conflict resolution who facilitates discussions between disputing parties to help them reach a mutually agreeable resolution. They do not provide legal advice, take sides, or make decisions for the parties.
Solicitors provide legal advice, draft documents, and advocate on behalf of their clients, often representing their interests in court or negotiations. While mediators focus on neutrality and guiding discussions, solicitors prioritise protecting their client’s rights and achieving favourable outcomes.
Speak to our expert team today to begin your MIAM. Call 01908 966 008, or fill out our contact form here. Speak to us about online mediation if you live in Bedfordshire, Aylesbury, Northamptonshire Buckinghamshire or Hertfordshire.
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