A Guide to Filling Out the Form E

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Form E

A Guide To Filling In Form E

On the onset of a divorce filling out a Form E is inevitable. This allows the court to know among other things your financial status and worth. However, while this form should be filled and a copy given to the court as well as your ex 35 days before the first hearing, This can feel overwhelming and we are here to help. Read our Form E guide. If you have questions about filling in Form E and need to speak to a mediator arrange a callback here 


On the first page, you will be required to fill in your name on the left hand box. You will also need to fill in your name again as well as the address on the bottom box. If you’ll be representing yourself, you can fill your address if not, fill the address of the firm that will be representing you. For the box on the right, you can leave that out unless you’re not doing voluntary disclosure. If it is voluntary, you can also leave out the name of the applicant and respondent.


There are several sections on this page. Each of them has different requirements. Sections 1.1 to 1.5 are self-explanatory. Sections 1.6 requires you to indicate the stage at which the divorce is by filling in the boxes. Section 1.7 to 1.9 are also self-explanatory and should not pose much of a hurdle when filling. However, in section 1.10 you will be required to fill in the number of children that are in the family. This should also include any step-children. Section 1.11 is a bit more demanding and you’re required to detail any health details which include conditions that require regular prescriptions. This is meant to help the court understand any financial burdens that might arise.


This page can be a bit challenging. The first section is 1.12 which you’re required to detail your future arrangements. Keep in mind that with this the court is more of looking at short and medium term arrangements. For section 1.13, you use the online CSA calculator. You only have to fill section1.14 if you have been to court before. Of course you may have to attach some supporting documents with this. For section 1.15, make sure that it is only about you and your STBX. Section 1.16 should not be a problem.


This is where section 2 begins and it relates to the matrimonial home (former in this case). You will not be required to have any valuation in the initial steps unless asked by the court. Just be sure to include the mortgage company and account number and also add any loans that are secured by the house.


Section 2.2. This is with regards to any other homes, property or land that you may have. If you have more than 2 properties, you can print as many of this page as needed and then attach them following each other.


Section 2.3 will require you to indicate your worth in terms of finances. What you will need to do in this case is to indicate the balance that is indicated in your most current bank statement dated back 12 months. Also attach a copy of the bank statement and keep in mind that even the online bank statement are acceptable in this case. Section 2.4 of the same page should not pose any difficulty whatsoever.


This page contains sections 2.5 and 2.6 both of which can be filled with relative ease since they are self-explanatory.


Section 2.7 in this page should be easy for you to get by. However, 2.8 can be a bit technical. You’re meant to fill any belongings that are of significant amount. It is not necessary to add cars unless there is one or a collection that is of significant value. It is not important to add the furniture because once you have put it to use, its value greatly depreciates. However, be keen to include anything like an art collection especially if it has a large price tag to it.


This page has two sections and these focus on liabilities. In section 2.9, fill out the boxes as required and make sure that you include a stamen on your credit cards for the last 12 months and the debut balance. Also make sure that you put in the original agreements for any loans. If you fail to include this, they will be asked later on. You should also keep in mind that any court will prefer over compliance to under compliance on any day and level. For section 2.10, you may need the assistance of your accountant.

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If you’re compelled to have this part of the form filled, you should make sure that you ask your accountant to help. It is vital that you make sure offer accurate information.

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Has section 2.12 which is very easy to fill.

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Has only one section. Which is section 2.13 which is to be filled for each pension that you have. That does not seem to be very complex.

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This is where you need to be careful. Section 2.14 of this page will require you to fill in anything that has not appeared in all the other sections.

Form E

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On this section (2.15) you need to fill out a page for every job that you currently have.

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Section 2.16 will require you to enroll the help of your accountant once again.

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Pages 16 (section 2.17)

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Page 17 (section 2.18) are very easy for you to go through and are clear and as such you should not face any problems with these.

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You will be required to include any other source of income that you have that does not appear anywhere else in the other boxes.

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Section 2.20 will require you add up the capital assets you have and in section 2.21 you will add up all the income you have from all your sources.

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This has 3 sections. 3.0 Which needs to fill in all your income with utmost honesty. Section 3.1 will require you to put in all the things that you might need and in section 3.2 you will need to include everything that your child will need.

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Section 3.2.1 requires you include capital needs like housing and maybe a new car and section 3.2.2 requires that you indicate the capital needs of the children like beds.

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You can explain about the changes in your financial circumstances that have occurred in the last 12 months or about to happen in the next 12 months. It does not have to be lengthy.

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Section 4.3, include any inheritance and redundant monies, in section 4.4 only include bad behavior that had impact on your finances and lastly in section 4.5 of the same page you can include anything that can be helpful in your case.

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On page 24 section 4.6, you’re meant to add in the income and assets of your new partner, they will not have to hand in their property but it may affect the case.

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In this page, all that is required of you is to speak your mind especially in section 5. In section 5.2, you can ask for matters that had been previously resolved to be looked at again and in section 5.3, you should where you think any money or property that had been transferred to has gone.

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If you’re filling this form voluntarily, then you don’t need to swear it. Just sign and add the date. However, if it was not voluntary then you have to swear it.