What are disadvantages of mediation? – Aspire Family Mediation.

August 31, 2021

Invite to the Aspire Family Mediation

Are you:

  • Looking for a cost effective option to your separation/divorce/children/ employment/civil matters
  • Trying to prevent the expenditure and tension of litigating
  • Wanting to solve conflicts without big legal costs and increased acrimony?

No matter what your issue, mediating your problems rather than invest months and perhaps years in the court court can save so much time and money. Moreover, there is now a requirement to participate in a mediation session before issuing court orders, or applications in relation to child access. There are exceptions to this requirement, which can be talked about with your mediator or by calling us complimentary on 01908 966008

Who is Mediation suitable for?

  • Grandparents
  • Former Cohabitants
  • Couples
  • Civil Partners
  • Unmarried couples
  • Cohabiting couples
  • Those involved in inter-generational conflicts, eg: grandparents/parents/children



Mediation is when a neutral third party called a mediator deals with each party to work to reach a compromise before going to court when handling divorce or child access issues. The mediator works to assist both parties to reach a compromise in disputes. The mediator is neutral and is not on anyone’s side. The mediator will act as a referee and work to find solutions and agreements to the problems you are facing.


Mediation is typically less costly than court. Settlement at mediation frequently leads to a higher chance of everyone agreeing to the plans set out. Mediation is entirely voluntary and in most case carried out online meaning that time and travel is not an obstacle. In addition Legal Aid and the Family Mediation Voucher is available should you qualify. Speak to our team to learn more.


You, your ex partner and your mediator will be present for the session. You may bring along a family member or friend for support and some people chose to ask their solicitor to join the online call as well.


During mediation the process begins with a joint session where the mediator explains the rules and objectives of mediation. Each party is given the option to discuss their perspective on the dispute without interruption. The helps set the stage for open communication and understanding to which the mediator will then builds a structured discussion around to explore concerns and disputes. Through this process the mediator will help identify common ground and potential solutions.

As mediation progresses, your mediator may hold separate discussions with each party to address sensitive issues and explore options in a private setting. These sessions can help reduce emotional intensity provides a safe space to discuss solutions. The goals is to reach mutually acceptable solutions that everyone is happy with. Once the agreement is reached, your mediator will prepare a draft document outlining the terms and areas covered which can be reviewed by solicitors and formalised in court if needed.

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